THOR Energy

THOR Energy helps develop energy projects for government entities and private companies. We do feasibility studies, project development, and financing. Our services include:

Studies of Ecological Recovery

Our studies cover the amount of pollution that a forest, river or lake has, we analyze what type of pollution it is, where it originates and how it can be solved, we also study the best way to recover the forest, river or lake depending on the environment where it is Find and quantify the economic impact of the area and the time it takes to recover it. Once the solution is proposed, we help fund the ecological recovery project. Many of the factors that pollute a river or lake come from external sources such as industrial and municipal waste, we help solve this problem by assisting both industry and cities to solve the pollution in the best way.

Energy Project Designs

We develop projects for places that do not have access to energy or energy at a reasonable price. For the development of projects, we apply the highest technology such as the use of smart grids and energy storage.
We help governments and companies solve their energy problems by applying the renewable energy that best suits the place where they are located.

Feasibility Studies

Un estudio de viabilidad es la etapa de diseño inicial de cualquier proyecto o plan. es un análisis de la viabilidad de una idea. Mejora el enfoque del equipo del proyecto, Estudia el potencial de producción de energía renovable en la zona, analizar la viabilidad de la producción de energía del proyecto, identifica nuevas oportunidades, proporciona información valiosa para la decisión de "continuar / no continuar", estrechar las alternativas tecnológicas, identifica las razones válidas para emprender el proyecto, mejora la tasa de éxito mediante la evaluación de múltiples parámetros, Ayuda a la toma de decisiones sobre el proyecto, Identifica las razones para no continuar, Evita tomar malas decisiones.
Sugerimos antes de invertir en un proyecto hacer un estudio de factibilidad. En THOR Energy nos especializamos en estudios de factibilidad para recuperaciones ecológicas y para eficiencia en energía.

Certification of Renewable Energy Potential for Lands and Ranches

In the very near future we will focus on producing our energy locally, and what better way to know before selling or buying a piece of land what potential that land has in generating energy in a renewable way and what type of renewable energy is the best for my land.
A land is worth the size it has, the quality of its land, the place where it is located, it is worth if it has water or gas or oil or minerals that it may have in the subsoil, but it can also be worth more if the land is in a privileged place to generate energy through renewable energies. Either Solar, Eolic (Wind), Mini-hydraulic or Geothermal.
THOR Energy certifies the potential that your land can have to generate energy through any of the renewable energies, with our certification you can access credits for the development of renewable energy projects, apart, your land will have more value no matter where it is finding.
Our certification is used by renewable energy financing agencies to provide financial support for the development of energy projects.
Request a certification study, make your terrain worth more.

Energy Efficiency Studies

Before investing in acquiring renewable energy equipment it is always advisable to do an energy efficiency study, the purpose of energy efficiency studies is to make businesses or entities do more with the same energy they use or do the same using less energy,
To achieve this, it is necessary to review the processes and consumption and purify them so that they spend less energy, once the study has been applied, companies will save between 2% and 30% in energy without the need to purchase renewable energy equipment, And if you plan to purchase renewable energy equipment, these will be in smaller quantities than previously required.

Project Financing

If an Energy efficiency or Ecological Recovery project is viable, we can support it with financing. To achieve this we rely on funds from the United States government agencies for export, so the requirements are verythe equipment must be manufactured in the United States.

Gain Access to Financing Resources

Depending on the project, we can look for financial aid in grants and financing from Multilateral agencies. The following is a list of these agencies: World Bank Group, IDFC, MEGA, Inter-American Development Bank, MIF, Green Climate Funds, DOE.

Also US Export assistance entities: Export Import Bank, USTDA, USAID, OPIC, Global and Regional Development Banks, Caribbean Development Bank, Global Sustainable Development Bank, NDbank, IADB. 

THOR Energy makes sure to gather funds from good and reliable sources, We are authorized agents.

Our firm is helping in the development of the América Crece initiative


In the next 5 years, the consumption of energy per capita will skyrocket almost 100%. By continuing the use of  resources such as fossil fuels, we are putting a great amount of ecological stress on our planet. Eventually fossil fuels will run out and we will have to start relying on an alternative energy source. We need to start accustoming ourselves to use a safer and more efficient renewable energy source.  

There is an incredible waste of energy because it is used inefficiently. Our team will help you lower your energy costs and most importantly help you get the most efficiency out of it.